Sunday, January 26, 2014

Overindulgence and Obsession - The Most Common Chronic Killers of Life

Overindulgence and Obsession - The Commonest Chronic Killers of Life       

(James) Chin-Ti Lin, MD

Illnesses shorten life. So they are life killers. This understanding has spawned numerous and endless researches and developments in drugs and in procedures hoping to cure illnesses once for all. But it's impossible.

Such ambition and pursuit have delighted millions and millions of minds to chase fame and money, but inadvertently picked many unguarded people's pockets, heightened healthcare dollars, and even nearly wrecked the economy with a skyrocketing cost and its unbearable burden.

Then, what cause illnesses to happen?

Of no doubt, the chief culprit is poor personal lifestyle, which is under the siege and ravage of overindulgence and obsession, and identified as the most common chronic life killers, but yet least mentioned among our daily conversation.

Why? That is what I would like to explore and share with you, and see what you may think.

To check out if my suspicion on overindulgence and obsession as the true culprits for poor health is true and fact or just false and imagination, at 8:10 AM of January 26, 2014, I entered the following key words through FireFox Search Engine, the search results are staggering as follows:
Key words used                                                              Results ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
healthy lifestyle and diseases:                                  26,700,000 results
healthy lifestyle and heart disease:                         116,000,000 results
healthy lifestyle and heart and lung illnesses:          49,200,000 results
healthy lifestyle and diabetes mellitus:                    45,700,000 results
healthy lifestyle and hypertension:                          17,300,000 results
healthy lifestyle and erectile dysfunction:               43,800,000 results
healthy lifestyle and prostate cancer:                       51,700,000 results
healthy lifestyle and kidney cancer:                         57,900,000 results
healthy lifestyle with bladder cancer:                    108,000,000 results
healthy lifestyle with obesity:                                  16,000,000 results
healthy lifestyle with overweight:                            43,900,000 results
healthy lifestyle with obesity and overweight:         34,800,000 results

To doubly check personal and professional sanity on the issues, at 9:06 AM of January 26, 2014, I searched through with the following key words, from which I got the results as follows: ==================================================================================================
Key words used in                                 Results ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
healthy lifestyle, diseases:                                           2,862 articles
healthy lifestyle, heart disease:                                   1,698 articles
healthy lifestyle, heart disease, lung diseasees:             355 articles
801 articleshealthy lifestyle, hypertension:                1,315 articles
healthy lifestyle, erectile dysfunction:                             64 articles
healthy lifestyle, prostate cancer:                                   144 articles
healthy lifestyle, kidney cancer:                                     174 articles
healthy lifestyle, bladder cancer:                                      72 articles
healthy lifestyle, obesity:                                             1,454 articles
healthy lifestyle, overweight:                                          884 articles
healthy lifestyle, obesity, overweight:                             715 articles

Based the above research results, how can I ignore them?

Should I just succumb to the ongoing brutality of political correctness and commercialism by ignoring the facts, deafen ears, mute voice, shut mouth, blind conscience, and trash the truth and facts of life and medicine all together or ... ?

So, I openly seek the participation from all willing souls to address the important issues of healthy lifestyle not only as the very core foundation of health, medical care but the very real key to longevity and happiness.

To promote the spirit and practice of healthy lifestyle from within, over last few years, I have discussed the healthy-lifestyle-related issues with the leading parties and persons numerous times, but  my lifelong vision and passion have never rung the bell of their minds. Instead, all what I have got are political coldness and bureaucratic suppression so to serve the convenience of bureaucracy and commercialism.

Worst yet, I have even been threatened by hinting the possible actions against reappointment and with reprimand.

Now, should I betray my loyalty to my profession to pursue quality and quantity as well as to my belief - Honesty is the best policy - as stated by President Lincohn.

Therefore, I seek the advice from any corners in the world.

Meanwhile, before I die, let's hail to the Magic Power of Universal Healthy Lifestyle.

As you can see, the above online search results conform and strongly support my suspicion - overindulgence and obsession as the most common chronic killers of life, and everyone I have chatted with would agree to such conclusion, but no one dares to speak up and elaborate the detail and to act for a change.


Here is my observation and explanation:
Evident to all, over-eating, alcoholism, smoking, Internet surfing, sex, drugs, etc. are the common examples of overindulgence and obsession. They almost always happen within the boundary of personal life or privacy, and captivate the affected persons to overuse, misuse, abuse personal inherent faculties, resulting in poor health. So, in a sense, the affected are under the ravage of self-inflicted personal slavery - overindulgence and obsession.

Under the sun, nothing is perfect and everything comes with a price. Even enjoying freedom, individualism, and privacy as the wonderful blessing and gift of civilization and democracy comes with a price, and has been under intense protection of laws, regulations, and the Constitution.

As a result, personal invisible territory and fence constantly extend and expand almost out of proportion. As expected, people would exercise the highest possible precaution trying not to get across over personal fence into personal territory.

Eventually, the contents of daily conversation would be highly modified and sophisticated to only deliver political correctness or hypocrisy to meet what people like, love, and want to hear, and not what people need to hear.

Constant delivery of political correctness doesn't just happens to the ordinary, but more notably, to the highly educated white collars, of course, including politicians and many others to portrait their kindness and generosity so they would be liked, wouldn't offend their constituency, and can win election and re-election over and over again.

While politicians offer kindness and generosity to meet political correctness, do they pay more taxes than the ordinary like you and me? Of course, they don't, but gain their instant fine reputation for being kind and generous, yet nothing to lose.

Would you remember what the former US President, J. F. Kennedy said in his inaugural speech on January 20, 1961? Then, he righteously and courageously said, "... ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

That brief statement has gained its instant and lasting popularity and most of American can even reiterate that rhetoric perfectly.

Fortunately and unfortunately, he was assassinated before he got opportunities to further elaborate its deeper meaning. I would predict, if he further expanded what he really wanted to mean, he would never be re-elected because a deeper elaboration would irritate people's nerve by potentially invading their privacy and individualism, which is not what people would like, love, and want to hear, and run into the trap of political suicide by merciless political incorrectness.

If one follows the same flow of thinking as the President J. F. Kennedy did and says, "... ask not what your country and medical professionals can do for you, ask what you can do for yourself by yourself first,", her/his political popularity will instantly tarnish and plummet to extinction and she/he would never be re-elected.

On top of this, commercialism has constantly hypnotize the public by manipulating people's greed, ignorance, anxiety, and fear with all forms of power and with all forms of disguise under hidden agenda so to lure the people to empty their pockets for transactions.

Within such a messy political quagmire, what should we do?

In my view, people need to be informed and educated with transparency so they can make their own decision to practice Universal Healthy Lifestyle for living a long happy life or to live with stress and die at an early age through enormous amount of avoidable pain and suffering.

Living a long happy life is doable within the reach of all willing persons. For detail, welcome to visit

Together, we can build a Worldwide Online Community to March for a Long Happy Life for All.

Stay tuned and I will talk with you soon.

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