Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Synopsis of Life and Peace

Synopsis of Life and Peace
James Chin-Ti Lin, M.D., certified urologist, award-winning author, public speaker, copywriter

The universal goal of life is to look nicer, feel better, and live longer. Medical care is merely to help people accomplish this goal to its best possible fullest.

The very motive to live is to survive, to grow, and to last; this truth applies to the fate of all entities, maybe individuals or any size of groups.

Technically, life and daily living is a process of constant struggle to manage a long list of relationships ranging from the one with our own life to those with immediate, intermediate, and distant family members, relative, friends, coworkers, organizations, institutions, societies, our own nation, and the world.

The success or failure in managing them decides if we will be happy or not, but relies on if we have enough energy and ability to make good and right decisions and to take good and right actions so to generate good and right results from what we do.

To keep up a relationship, we have to balance and reciprocate asserting our rights and fulfilling our obligations so peace can emerge, maintain, sustain, and last. If not, a relation will doom to crush, imperil, and end; peace will never last.

How can we look nicer, feel better, and live longer and possess enough energy and ability? The answer and solution to this quest is to keep up quality nutrition and circulation

Then how can we make this dream goal come true?

The surest regimen to conquer this quest is take the Magic Pill for a Long Happy Life with the following five ingredients:
  1. Eat, enjoy, and control foods, and don't let foods control us;
  2. keep up quality mental and physical exercise every day, but avoid overindulgence and obsession;
  3. sleep sound and well for 6-8 hours every single day, preferably at night;
  4. meditate to reinforce spiritual and physical connection, and pray if religious; and
  5. follow currently available reasonable, realistic, medical advice as needed.
That is the solution; guarantee.

To learn more, welcome to visit www.ForMeFirst.com.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Surest Regimen to Live a Long Happy Life

Hi! All my Dear Fellow Human Beings,

I would like to welcome and congratulate you for clicking on this video. Why? It is because your clicking on this video tells me that you have searched the Internet and looked for the answer on how to live a long happy life for quite a while. Now you have come to the right spot at the right moment, and, right on the spot, I will bring you the right answer.

My almost 72-year personal and 46-year professional life experience has inspired me to crystallize  the following refined ideas on how to live a long happy life for you.

At present, I am 72 and my life still goes strong and active not only as an almost 45-year active vibrant husband for a beautiful woman, a ready-supporting father of two successful grown children, and a playful grandfather of four lovely grandchildren but also as a full-time busy urological surgeon at a federal institution.

I love my life every single minute because I possess enough readily available energy and ability to deliver the actions of care, love, and service to my wife, my children, my grandchildren, my patients, and many others like you.

You may wonder how I can live a life like that. It’s because I have practiced these ideas every single day and proved practicing these ideas has kept me going and rolling strong and active every single minute. Although these ideas have been known to all of us and become our commonsense for ages, unfortunately, most of us just flatly ignore them.

Now, I combined all these ideas on how to live a long happy life together to produce the Magic Pill for a Long Happy Life for you, which consists of the following five ingredients:

     1. Eat, enjoy, and control foods, and don't let foods control us; 
     2. have quality mental and physical exercise every day, but avoid any overindulgence and obsession;
     3. sleep well and sound for 6-8 hours every single day;
     4. meditate to reinforce spiritual and physical connection, and pray if religious; and  
     5. follow currently available reasonable realistic medical advice as needed.

Taking this Magic Pill regularly every day, I guarantee all willing persons, slowly and surely, will have their best possible hope to look nicer, feel better, and live longer, that is, to live a long happy life.

How can I be so sure? Simple and clear. Because practicing these five points regularly to implement a healthy lifestyle will make all willing persons to gain better mental and physical health and composure. Thereby, they will become more sensitive, specific, and effective to interact with their own inside and outside environments. In other words, they become more functional and capable to learn and retain more of what they learn; so can we.

As a result, we can make better and right decisions and take better and right actions to manage our daily living; inevitably, we can not only expect producing better and right outcomes from what we do but also capture and secure a better sense of comfort and control of life; naturally, real and real happiness will arrive at our hearts and stay with us forever. 
At the end, we are more productive, more independent, and less burdensome than ever.

Wouldn't we like to enjoy this scenario of living? I am sure you do, I do, and we all do. Why? Fulfilling this scenario of living wouldn't cost us an extra penny because we already possess all what we need inside to transform ourselves to make our common dream to live a long happy life come true.

If you think that taking the above magic pill to modify lifestyle as described is too difficult to follow, please just think and think again to realize the following five facts - ingredients- of life, together, I call it as the Magic Pill to Push Up for a long happy life as follows: 
     1. Nothing is free and everything comes with a price; 
     2. only time and life are truly priceless and irreplaceable, and only the passage of both is truly forever,
         not diamonds as commercially promoted;
     3. medication, surgery, sweet talk, and sympathy in the long run would not help us much; but, both
         empathy to realize, understand, and accept the truth and facts of life and action from us
         together will make a real difference to our life; 
     4. no one else can do this for us, not medication and surgery alone, but our own selves; and
     5. remember: No other regimens can make us to a long happy life than what I just described and 
         shared with you.

Now, if you like my message on how to live a long happy life and wish to know more about it, you can get a copy of my award-winning book: “What is Life? To Live a Controlled, Realistic, Happy Life.” as a daily living companion from www.amazon.com.

Meanwhile, I welcome you to visit www.ForMeFirst.com to explore more about many other life-related subjects.

Of course, I welcome your comment and input on how we can together make our world a better place for all to live.

If you like these messages and need me to help and speak to an audience of any size, individuals or institutions, on how to enhance personal and professional productivity and happiness, please email me your invitation at realinct2002@yahoo.com.

Thank you for your viewing and listening, and I wish you be better from now on. 
And I will talk with you soon. Goodbye. Have a good day.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Best Possible Birthday Gift for America

The Best Possible Birthday Gift for America

Nowadays, we send our best possible birthday wish and gift to someone we care and love. We accept this practice as the norm of our social grace for most people around the world.  

What do we wish about for the ones on their birthday? And what would be the best possible birthday gift for them? Of no doubt, we wish them be healthy, be happy, and long live.

On this date, July 4, 2013, of our celebrating the 237th birthday of America, I uploaded my first video in life to YouTube to join all American and worldwide wellwishers to present my best birthday wish and gift for America. If we really wish America be healthy, be happy, and long live, we have to wish ourselves the same first because the strength and characters of a group – as small as a couple or as large as a country or the world with most in between - represent the ultimate accumulation of the strength and characters of all its participating members; so be it for America.

Here is my birthday gift for all and America, the Magic Pill for a Long Happy Life, consisting of the following five ingredients:
  1. eat, enjoy, and control the foods, and don't let foods control us;
  2. have quality mental and physical exercise every day, but avoid any overindulgence and obsession;
  3. sleep well and sound for 6-8 hours every single day;
  4. practice meditation to reinforce spiritual and physical connection, and pray if religious; and
  5. follow currently available reasonable medical advice as needed.
Taking this Magic Pill regularly every day, I guarantee all willing persons, slowly and surely, will have their best possible hope to look nicer, feel better, and live longer.

How can I be so sure? Simple and clear. Because practicing these ideas regularly to implement healthy lifestyle will make all willing persons gain better mental and physical health. Thereby, they become more sensitive and effective to interact with their inside and outside environments. In other words, they are more functional and capable to learn and retain more of what they learned than ever; so can we.

As a result, we can not only make better and right decisions but also take better and right actions to keep our life going and rolling. Inevitably, we can expect better and good results from what we do. Timely, we can capture and secure a better sense of comfort and control. Naturally, real and real happiness will arrive at our hearts and stay with us forever. At the end, we are more productive, independent, and less burdensome than ever.

Don't we like to enjoy this scenario of living? I am sure you do, I do, and we all do. Why ? Because this scenario of living wouldn't cost us an extra penny and all of us already have what we need inside to transform ourselves to make the common dream to live a long happy life come true. 

That is my best possible birthday gift for America, what is yours?